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Peeps in Bloom review by sylvie55555 | LitPick Book Reviews
Peeps in Bloom review by sylvie55555
Age Range - 8 - 12
Genre - Juvenile Fiction
Five Star Award

LitPick Review

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Age at time of review - 14
Reviewer's Location - Lexington, MA, United States
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Peeps in Bloom is a story about Meg and Issac, two students who attend Garrett Grove Elementary School. Issac has just moved to town, and he is once again the new student. Lately, though, he has been having "spells" where he zones out and isn't sure what is wrong with him. His teacher thinks that he is having seizures, but his mom doesn't want to take him to get the help that he needs. When Meg gets to school, she meets the new kid, Issac. At school, she realizes that they are planning to get rid of the courtyard when they build the new school, and Meg knows she can't let this happen. Plus, her best friend Jack is moving away, and she doesn't know how to handle all this change. As Issac slowly gets better after convincing his mom to take him to a doctor, he starts to help Meg with her plan of convincing the school to keep the courtyard. Together, will they be able to save the courtyard?


Overall, I really loved this book and the way it was written through two narrators. Even though this book was a sequel, I was able to understand it without reading the first book. While the plot of the story (trying to save the courtyard) was basic, both narrators had their own individual problems as well that they were working towards solving. This made the story a lot more interesting and also developed the character of the narrators. Another thing that I liked was that we learned more about the various characters as the book went along. This really added dimension to the characters and made the book more enjoyable to read. I think that the pace of the book was also perfect. I think there were a few concepts in this story that would be hard for younger children to understand, so I would recommend this book to older children.

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