Detective Chambers is used to a pretty quiet life in Virginia. But, in recent years, more and more dangerous crime has started to come in from nearby cities. Things take a turn for the worse when Detective Chambers starts to investigate the murder of a young woman. Her body is found under a snow bank and is unidentifiable by the police. Slowly, Detective Chambers starts to learn more about the victim, a young woman who he believes is named Mary. Detective Chambers knows that something fishy is going on with Mary's murder, and he is determined to find out what.
Two years ago, Jessica's mom passed away from cancer. Now, Jessie and her father are going on a vacation from their home in Florida to Bermuda before her dad starts chemo for his thyroid cancer. Jessie is excited about their vacation but ignores her worries about her dad's cancer. On the way to Bermuda, Jessica and her father's plane hits a rough patch of weather, and Jessica's father hits his head, making him unable to see. Jessie has to take over flying the plane so they don't crash.
Poppy is a 12-year-old who lives in a world that is divided by colors. She lives in the Blue region, where the most important things are efficiency and rules. Growing up, she was always told to not cross the border and leave Blue territory as it is highly illegal. She was taught that the neighboring orange territory was full of poor, uneducated, and unhappy people. One day, she is in the woods picking berries when a bear starts chasing her. In her panic, she runs without paying attention to where she is going and ends up in Orange territory. There, she meets a girl named Marigold.
Wynn Parker is a curious 8-year-old boy who is spending his summer learning new things! Every day Wynn explores a new profession with his neighbor Mr.Kennedy, who is like a grandpa to him. One day, Wynn decides that he wants to try out being a mechanic! Mr.Kennedy's car is in need of an oil change, so the two decide they will try and do an oil change the way a mechanic would. They quickly realize that neither of them knows how to do an oil change, but luckily Mr.Kennedy's friend Brett is a mechanic.
Sylvia Locke lives in Farmington, a farming village in Fairytale land. Ever since her parents left to go search for the Earrings of Power, she has been living with her grandparents. Her grandparents send her to visit her aunt and step-cousins due to her bad attitude in hopes that she will learn some manners from her step-cousins. So, Sylvia goes to live with her step-cousins Macey and Lacey in the suburbs of Fairytale land. There, she receives an invitation to the Q-ball, a place where the young prince will look for a princess to assist him with his official duties.