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Molly Shipton, Secret Actress review by BookSnob0417 | LitPick Book Reviews
Molly Shipton, Secret Actress review by BookSnob04...
Age Range - 8 - 12
Genre - Historical Fiction
Five Star Award

LitPick Review

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Age at time of review - 13
Reviewer's Location - Trenton, TX, United States
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In the 1590’s, Molly Shipton lived happily with her family in a village called Bidford-upon-Avon. However, when the plague kills both of her parents and most of the village, Molly and her little sister Juliet are left on their own. Her brother, Ben Shipton, has disappeared and is assumed to be dead, but Molly hopes deep down that he is still alive. Molly and Juliet realize that because they are girls they won’t be able to survive on their own, so they dress up as boys and play the lute (a musical instrument) on the streets in order to make money to survive. They find a secret hiding place in the Duke's garden for the time being, however they are caught and brought to the Duke for judgment. Remarkably, the Duke is very kind and offers them shelter, food, and forgiveness if they agree to play their music at his banquets. They have this rare opportunity, but if they agree to the duke's requirements, Molly’s dream of acting in London will sadly never come true.  When a strange woman, Lady Southwark, offers to take them to London, there is a sliver of hope. Molly thinks it through and quickly accepts, yet when they arrive in London she agonizes that someone will find out she is not a boy. Will she be able to be an actor and keep this huge secret?



As a whole, this book is lively and poignant. Molly Shipton is such an inspiration as her resilience through very difficult situations shows that even through the toughest times you can still achieve your dreams. This quote: “No other profession can do what we do. We take people out of their pelting petty lives for a little while…We allow audiences to forget themselves for only a moment,” really connects the reader to the theater. This gives the reader an insight into what it feels like for an actor portraying a particular role and how it allows them to help the audience forget their lives for even just a moment. The words of advice that you find yourself applying to your own life makes this book even more captivating. I was worried that because the book is set in the 1500’s, the text would be very difficult to understand, but Sheri Graubert’s choice of modern words eliminated that thought. I recommend this book to anyone who loves historical fiction. As you go through Molly’s journey you will find yourself always wanting to come back for more of her adventure. 

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