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Journey to the Kingdom of No Return review by sylvie55555 | LitPick Book Reviews
Journey to the Kingdom of No Return review by sylv...
Age Range - 12 and up
Genre - Mystery
Five Star Award

LitPick Review

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Age at time of review - 14
Reviewer's Location - Lexington, MA, United States
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Life is going well for Little Book. He's an international bestseller, and all the other books at the bookstore love him. However, he receives some very upsetting news: he is being moved to the musty shelves in the sales aisle. But Little Book is not ready to leave his fame so quickly, and he strikes a deal with Ranger Depth, the bookstore sheriff. The celebrity of the bookstore, Luke Shelfwalker, has gone missing, suspected to have been abducted by the dark side. If Little Book can survive going to the video game aisles and rescues Luke Shelfwalker, he will receive eternal Shelf Life. But saving Luke isn't going to be as easy as Little Book hopes.  Will he be able to do it, or will the enemies get the best of him once and for all?


Overall, I really enjoyed reading this book. Similar to the first book in this series, the character development in this story was excellent. I liked how despite most of the characters being objects, the author was able to create unique characteristics and backstories for all of them. The pacing of this story was also great, I really liked how the story started off a little slow but quickly picked up speed. Lastly, I enjoyed how this book was centered more around Little Book whereas I felt the first book focused on other characters as well. The one thing I did not like about this book was that it seemed unrealistic the Little Book would go so quickly from being a best seller to being on the sales rack. Other than that, I think this was an excellent read, and I highly recommend it for readers looking for a fun book... about books!

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