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Enigma Tracer: Enigma Heirs-Book 1 review by sylvie55555 | LitPick Book Reviews
Enigma Tracer: Enigma Heirs-Book 1 review by sylvi...
Age Range - 12 and up
Genre - Fiction
Five Star Award

LitPick Review

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Age at time of review - 16
Reviewer's Location - Lexington, MA, United States
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Gracie Rodreguiz is a student who has just graduated and won a big marketing competition with her friend Bailey. But, there is more to her story than that. She uses her job working at the World Bank as a cover for managing resources for her parent's "R-Group", which carries out operations for clients such as surveillance. After graduation, Gracie goes to Amsterdam when she receives a call from Bailey. Bailey tells her about a case she has been investigating and that she needs Gracie's help. Bailey is sure that the CEO of Pliant is doing something sleazy, but she needs Gracie's help to prove it. Bailey invites Gracie on a one-week cruise to the Caribbean where they can monitor the CEO of Pliant while posing undercover as tourists. But with previous investigators going missing, this mission may be more dangerous than imagined. Will Gracie and Bailey be able to pull it off?


Overall, I really enjoyed reading this book. At the start of the book, I was a bit confused about Gracie's surveillance of her friends and extraordinary defense skills, but this quickly made sense as I learned about Gracie's parents' "business".  However, I wish there were a bit more details at the start of the book about how the R-Group works, as I was a little confused reading some parts later in the book. Other than that, I really liked the storyline of this book. From the first page, it was filled with suspense and thrill as Gracie fought off disrespectful college boys and gave a presentation in Amsterdam. I felt like I really got to know Gracie in the first few chapters through her protectiveness of Bailey and her willingness to donate her time to charity in Amsterdam. The pace of this book was very fast, which I enjoyed, and it didn't have any dull moments. I think this book is perfect for anyone who enjoys books full of adventure and thrill!

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Content rating - some mature content

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This book is well-written for ages 12+




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