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Controlled review by LaRayne | LitPick Book Reviews
Controlled review by LaRayne
Controlled (The Alternative)
by Patrick Jones
Age Range - 12 and up
Genre - Fiction

LitPick Review

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Age at time of review - 12
Reviewer's Location - Middleville, Michigan, United States
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Rachel had her life all planned out then her world came tumbling down with four words, “we need to talk”. Her aunt who was addicted to drugs and had only seen Rachel a couple times had died. leaving her teenage daughter, Misty, needing a home, something Rachel’s parents were happy to give her. But Misty is a rowdy teen who gets in trouble daily. Believing that Rachel can tame Misty, they force the girls to hang out. Rachel, who has never broken a rule, starts becoming more like Misty each day. Who will really change: Rachel or Misty?


This is one of the best books I have read. I thought that I got a good feel of the story but wish it was longer. Controlled is a great book for teens 12 and up. Patrick Jones does an amazing job of talking about touchy topics. This is also definitely an awesome car book. Jones succeeded in making you feel like the characters are real. I would recommend it to my friends. Controlled makes you want to read her other books and I hope in the future Jones will write longer books so the readers will get the whole story not just the overlay. 

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Content rating - some mature content

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drugs and alcohol mentioned and used

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