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Reviews | LaRayne | LitPick Book Reviews
Book Reviews by LaRayne
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Ever since the accident Paige has been able to see ghosts. When her parents move her to a new school she meets Dottie, her best friend, who is also a ghost. Everyone makes fun of Paige and very few even take the time to talk to her until Logan, a stunningly nice and cute boy, enrolls. But this cheery story stops being so cheery when Paige is attacked by demons.

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Rachel had her life all planned out then her world came tumbling down with four words, “we need to talk”. Her aunt who was addicted to drugs and had only seen Rachel a couple times had died. leaving her teenage daughter, Misty, needing a home, something Rachel’s parents were happy to give her. But Misty is a rowdy teen who gets in trouble daily. Believing that Rachel can tame Misty, they force the girls to hang out. Rachel, who has never broken a rule, starts becoming more like Misty each day. Who will really change: Rachel or Misty?

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Sticky Fingers- DIY Duct Tape Projects was a very fun book to use. It is amazing how you can learn to make something as simple as a hair bow or something as complex as a smart phone case or messenger bag. Sophie Maltsky truly has a love for all things duct tape and you can see it thru her writing.

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It all started when one morning after spending the night in the air raid shelter Penny, her mother and Brother Peter came home to find that their house had fallen victim to one of the many World War ll bombings. Needing someplace to live Penny and Peter were evacuated to a small town near Yorkshire. They are soon living with Uncle Jan and Aunt Lena.

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A dragon slayer is always risking their life and Lottie Thorskard knew that, but it was still a shock when she hurt herself and was forced to retire.