LitPick Review

Overall, I really enjoyed reading The Chamber Files. I am usually not a huge fan of crime and mystery novels, but I think this novel was a good mix of being suspenseful without being too scary/gory. It is perfect for readers like me who like the mystery aspect of a murder mystery without too much focus on the actual murders. In addition, I liked how the author revealed information about the cases throughout the book, so the reader can solve the crimes alongside Detective Chambers. One thing that was very interesting about this book was how the settings constantly changed as Detective Chambers traveled around to work on the different cases, going from places like Virginia all the way to Texas. I think this kept the story interesting, and I liked how the book was broken up into several smaller mysteries. The one thing I did not like about this book was that I was a bit confused about some of the more minor characters and their roles in the story, as it was hard to keep track of everyone with so many characters and victims. Other than that, I really enjoyed this book and would recommend it to anyone looking for a mystery novel!