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Traveler: The Sequel to Seeker review by piercelg | LitPick Book Reviews
Traveler: The Sequel to Seeker review by piercelg
Traveler (Seeker)
by Arwen Elys Dayton
Age Range - 12 and up
Genre - Adventure
Five Star Award

LitPick Review

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Age at time of review - 14
Reviewer's Location - Corning, New York, United States
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Quin Kincaid is a Seeker. Born into a 'noble' cause along with her best friend Shinobu and the love of her life Jonathan, she believed that everything was right in the world. But after learning the truth on the most important night of her life, Quin does not know what to believe. Now her home is destoryed, the boy she loves is leading an armada against what is left of her family, her mother is dead, her father and uncle have been lying to her for her entire life. All she has left is Shinobu, her confidant, who must help her get the answers they both need desperately. But the more answers they search for the more sinister things become. Long lost families, hidden alliances, and a plan that no one saw coming that could end the Seekers forever. The past now haunts them. Will Quin and Shinobu be able to save John and-more importantly- the world?


Traveler was so wonderful!!! The characters, world building, details and most of the answers I had been wanting were all there. Of course, not all the questions were answered; you have to leave somethings for the last book. Traveler was even better than Seeker as I was waiting at the end of Seeker for these moments, that I finally got in Traveler. I love the journey that Arwen has the characters take and the struggles they have along the way. All of this strengthens them and prepares them for what is to come.

Traveler takes place just after Seeker, only two weeks have passed.  Shinobu is recovering in the hospital from his injuries and Quin is by his side making sure he gets the help he needs. Did I mention Shinobu, swoon!!! I have loved him since Seeker and his first section on his POV. I just will always love him, and will pull for him no matter what! Quin has been given a new athame by Maud also know as (Young Dread). The athame helps her travel to different locations. They need this when her father finds them, and still continues to wage war.

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Content rating - some mature content

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There were romantic scenes and violence.

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