LitPick Review

Bad to worse. Doom to gloom. That is the kind of day Tear was having. Tear tried to stay positive after he felt rushed when he was late to school. After all, recess and playing with Steve would change everything. But recess did not go as planned and things did NOT get better! The bad feelings kept building and building and building until . . .
Even little ones have bad days. In The Tear’s Tale, Dyllan Coelho-Holm delivers a relatable story about experiencing overwhelming emotions and the problems that surface by holding in those feelings. However, all is not lost. Coelho-Holm provides meaningful methods for self-soothing as demonstrated by our protagonist. The use of teardrops as characters in this book is extremely clever; however, the central character is not given a name. A name would make the central character more memorable and that much more relatable. The bright colorful illustrations add depth to the words on the page and ignite the imagination. Bad days happen. Improve yours and read The Tear’s Tale!