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Sinners Plunged Beneath That Flood review by grahammark15 | LitPick Book Reviews
Sinners Plunged Beneath That Flood review by graha...
Age Range - Adult
Genre - Fiction

LitPick Review

Age at time of review - 58
Reviewer's Location - Jena, Louisiana, United States
View grahammark15's profile

G.D. Brown's novel, Sinners Plunged Beneath the Flood, is a crime story mixed with some spirituality.  This is the story of a high school senior named Jenn who wants to find out what happened to her best friend Ava.  She seeks help from another best friend by the name of Matthew, nicknamed Scribbles, who just happens to have his own problems and issues to deal with like his parents leaving him behind.  They live in a small town named Branch Creek in Mayes County. This town is run by Sheriff Taylor, who also has various personal and professional issues to try and understand and figure a way to move on.  In addition, he has outstanding cases to solve to make the community happy with his way of doing things.  Jenn is growing up, and she has many questions to ask about the search for Ava.  Jenn also in learning to deal with other issues in the home, school, and the community.  She is looking for answers, and she starts to find some, but she needs help.  Will she get help in time?


G.D. Brown has written a book that is well-detailed that makes this novel a great show and tell story that can have the reader visualize each of the scenes, as when Jenn is at the Sonic, when she is in school or at home, and when she is at the sheriff's office, etc.  This story is quite psychological, but towards end, it does become a bit more spiritual even for the main character of Jenn.  When reading the story, I at times felt sorry for Sheriff Taylor and Scribbles for what they were dealing with in their lives; some say that's life in a small town.  The situations presented in the story to me really are all about how to keep friendships any way we can.  G.D. Brown wrote a story to make you think about becoming more involved in various causes or cases and think before you leap into anything.

Content Rating:

Content rating - some mature content

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There were some scenes that were described in this way.




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