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Shadow Fall review by AlexandraKlimko | LitPick Book Reviews
Shadow Fall review by AlexandraKlimko
Shadow Fall (Volume 1)
Age Range - Mature Young Adult
Genre - Adventure
Five Star Award

LitPick Review

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Age at time of review - 13
Reviewer's Location - PINOLE, California, United States
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Shadow Fall is a book about a girl named Maia who is chosen to save her world and continue the race after Pandora (an asteroid) will make Earth uninhabitable. After many traumatic experiences, which she doesn't let define her, Maia makes it her mission to save the only thing left in her life that matters—her little brother. Bravery, guilt, grief, and even a little bit of romance all guide Maia to the only way she can save her brother and the world—kill the Emperor. With many difficult events that keep you on your toes, this book will make you wish it never has to end. 



Shadow Fall is an amazing story that captured my attention from the first paragraph. Through the duration of the book, I felt like the rising action and climax kept going on for a major part of the story. Despite being a recent book, the tone and the nature of the book were old-fashioned in a good way. I felt like the entire book was a never-ending surprise. Audrey Grey kept surprising me, and that happens very rarely to me in books. Before finishing half of most books, I usually know the ending. But Shadow Fall was truly captivating, and I not only recommend this, but insist that all teenagers read this captivating tale. Maia undertaking a mission to save her world, despite a past she'd rather forget that forces her to confront her worst fears, made for a memorable story.

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