LitPick Review

Maya, Simon and Penny return to Tamarind, the mysterious island they first encountered in The Lost Island of Tamarind(Book one in the series), after alarming messages from their friend Helix and strange deceased animals washing onto the shores of Bermuda. The three children and Helix board the Pamela Jane (the family boat) and sail to Tamarind only to find the Island to be invaded by the Red Coral a mysterious, private and dangerous organization. The children discover the island in chaos as the Red Coral is invading and destroying homes looking for the valuable and magical element, ophalla. The children go on a quest to save and restore Tamarind to its former glory, before it's too late.
The tone of the book, I felt was over all appropriate for the story, a light adventure tone, and the characters were believable for their ages (Maya,16, Simon,14, Penny,5), the plot, good, but the voice for the story was boring. In my opinion the author did not live up to what is a great plot and what could have been an excellent book. In school, english teachers tell you to always put details in your stories because it provides for a more interesting book and helps the reader visualize the story. I generally agree with this, except for the details in this book. The author OVER-detailed everything. Even things that were unnecessary to detail, making it very hard to get through certain areas. That doesn't go to say that there were never areas I didn't enjoy. I thought there were great characters and I enjoyed the interesting names of the locations they went to, other peoples names etc. Maybe if I had read the first book in the series I would of been more immersed into the book, but I really doubt it. I would not recommend The Secrets Of Tamarind to others because the writing style is dull and not very interesting or enthralling. I am fourteen so maybe a younger reader would enjoy this.