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Nameless (The Anonymous Chronicles) review by masha | LitPick Book Reviews
Nameless (The Anonymous Chronicles) review by mash...
Nameless (The Anonymous Chronicles Book 1)
Age Range - 12 and up
Genre - Series
Five Star Award

LitPick Review

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Age at time of review - 15
Reviewer's Location - baltimore, maryland, United States
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Teegan (main character) belongs to a basketball team and is fiercly competitive. When a new girl (Bronwyn) arrives, Teegan can barely contain her jelousy. Bronwyn is a star at basketball and seems to outshine everyone else. However, unbeknownst to Teegan, Bronwyn's life is full of hardship and pain. Angela Welch's novel, Nameless, addresses hunger, domestic violence, and everlasting friendships. Through Teegan and Bronwyn, she shows the importance of trust and kindness and also the hardships others experience. In this bittersweet novel, Teegan learns to put others first and learns of the impact of her actions. 


I think Nameless was a very good book. It was well written and illustrated social problems (hunger, violence etc.) very accurately. The plot and characters were very real and also relevant. Every person had their own personality and problems and each person illustrated a different way to deal with things. Throughout the novel the characters grow and expand, learning to accept each other and expand their horizons. It is a book that has depth and humor as well as problems that need to be solved. 

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This book is very good and I would definitely recommend it to others, it contains some heavy concepts, but is not offensive.

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