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My Chemical Mountain review by ClarissaAdeleMorgenstern | LitPick Book Reviews
My Chemical Mountain review by ClarissaAdeleMorgen...
My Chemical Mountain
Age Range - 12 and up
Genre - Fiction
Five Star Award

LitPick Review

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Age at time of review - 14
Reviewer's Location - Baltimore, Maryland, United States
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My Chemical Mountain is about Jason, who lives near landfills and broken-down factories.  His best friendsare a cautious inventor named Cornpup and a daredevil named Charlie.  Jason’s father died on the job while working for the only company left in the town, Mareno Chem.  His father was trying to expose the company for illegally manufacturing Phenzorbiflux, a dangerous chemical.  Cornpup is trying to bring down Mareno Chem for polluting their town and dumping toxins in the creek.  Jason and Charlie want to help Cornpup, but they don’t completely understand how detrimental the landfills, pollution, smog, and toxic water is to them.  They enjoy living on the edge and swimming in the polluted creek all summer.  Jason wants revenge for the death of his father which ruined his life.   Because Mareno Chem fires people in town when people speak against them or get the government involved, Jason, Charlie and Compop vandalize the factory.  What price will the friends need to pay for their revenge?


I really liked this book.  I understood the characters, and I was shocked by their environment.  Jason, Charlie, and sometimes Cornpup just walked into many dangerous, toxic places, and they didn’t worry about the negative impacts on them at all.  I didn't think that most of the characters would be so oblivious to the obvious environmental and health detriments.  Jason talks about how the air sometimes smells or the water gives him blisters, which helps illustrate how dangerous living near a landfill can be for people.  Although short, this book had a well-developed plot, was suspenseful, and the ending was a surprise.  The powerful story was emotional, and it got me thinking about how large chemical companies can affect people.  Jason, Cornpup, and Charlie were all very brave in going up against an opponent as formidable as Mareno Chem.  I would definitely recommend this book to others.

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Content rating - nothing offensive




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