LitPick Review

Matt Storm looks like any ordinary guy, but mentally he is in a league all his own. You see, Matt hears voices in his head, and not the psychotic kind. He has a rare gift of telepathy, something he finds more a curse than a gift. Throughout the years, his parents sent him for all sorts of therapy thinking something was mentally wrong with him. Little do they know that the voices are only the voices of the people that are standing within three feet of him. While his parents are away on a cruise, Matt decides to go backpacking in a nearby camping area for the night. He’s loved backpacking since he was a child, so he wants to connect with the quietness of the beautiful surroundings. The next morning while eating his breakfast, he can’t believe what happens to him. He starts hearing the thoughts of another person, but no one is anywhere near him in the woods. Soon, a guy named Trent Spencer approaches him and they start mentally talking to each other. They are both surprised to find another telepath nearby. They become friends, never knowing that their very telepathic gift will be put to the test in order to help each other survive. What happens to both Matt and Trent? Do they both survive the ordeal?
I have to say that I truly loved this story. Right from the start, I found myself sympathizing for Matt because of his special gift. Then when he stumbled upon Trent in the woods, I couldn’t believe there was another telepath so close by. I was happy they formed a special friendship with each other, and I hoped they stuck close together considering they both were telepathically gifted. I truly loved the characters and felt that both guys were relatable and believable. I felt they were real people I could become friends with. Mr. James penned characters that you can easily relate to and see as people you could live next door to.
As the story progressed and Trent found himself in some trouble and called upon Matt telepathically for help, I had hoped that Matt would be able to work through the mixed signals he was receiving from Trent. If anyone would be able to help Trent, I felt it would be Matt because of their mutual gift. When Matt sensed that Trent was somewhere within a local college, I found my heart racing in my chest as if I was next to Matt trying to find where Trent was located. I had hoped that by the time Matt located Trent, it wouldn’t be too late. Nor would it put Matt in harm’s way. Mr. James did a wonderful job keeping the story suspenseful enough to keep his readers eagerly turning the pages for more.
Right from the start, the author grabbed my attention and held it until the very last sentence. I truly felt this story was like a roller coaster ride of emotions for me. I was happy that Matt and Trent became friends and had a strong bond together because of their shared telepathic gift. I was sad that both guys felt alienated from others because of their special gift. When Matt was trying to sort through the mixed messages Trent was sending him, I was right there by his side trying to figure out the messages as well. Mr. James wrote with pure emotions throughout his book, and I felt I was experiencing everything firsthand with Matt and Trent.
Overall, I really enjoyed reading Mindfield, which is a paranormal thriller for teens. The characters were believable, the medical setting made me feel that I was being tested upon too, and the ending was completely satisfying for me. Honestly, I could see Matt and Trent being in a series of stories helping others with their telepathic gift. If you’re looking for a great paranormal thriller, then look no further. Although this story is said to be for the 13-17 year old age range, I feel adults, such as myself, can fully enjoy the story just as much as teenagers. Well done, Mr. James! I highly recommend this book!
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