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Manicpixiedreamgirl review by derbyc | LitPick Book Reviews
Manicpixiedreamgirl review by derbyc
Age Range - 12 and up
Genre - Chick Lit

LitPick Review

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Age at time of review - 14
Reviewer's Location - Corning, New York, United States
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In Manicpixiedreamgirl  Tyler Darcy discovers some important information that may change his romantic relationships, both real and imagined. Tyler has had this big crush for a girl named Rebecca Webb since his freshmen year of high school. This girl became his manic pixie dream girl, a girl that he truly has no clue about.  Tyler should realize that he has an amazing girl right infront of him- his girlfriend Sydney.  Now it is all up to Tyler to figure out who he truly wants- his manic pixie dream girl, or the girl who's cared for him since the beginning?


I like how Tyler has to figure out who he wants to be with, and how the story flashes to certain stories about Tyler.  My favorite thing about the book is when all of Tyler and his friends meet and get to know each other freshman year, and how they continue to be friends through good and bad times.

I was sometimes confused when the story goes back to Tyler's past.  It made me feel lost in what's going on in the present time of the book. What I disliked most of all is how the book ends. It left me hanging, wanting to know what would happen next.

I gave the book 4/5 stars.  I would not recommend this book for kids under 13 because of the content that deals with drugs and alcohol.

Content Rating:

Content rating - some mature content

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the book includes some mature content and drug and alcohol usage

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