LitPick Review

K.I.D.S. Stuff: The Mostly, Probably True Adventures of the Kids Imaginary Defense Squad by Garrett Dane is an awesome, action-packed adventure about ordinary kids who have trained to do extraordinary things. They get to ride in or fly unique raft-ships with top-notch technology and equipment. They meet at a secret base and even use special gadgets that give them a chance to act like super-heroes. Each one has chosen to join one of the K.I.D.S. teams that patrol around the world after school, activities, and family life wind down.
When young kids are afraid of the dark at bedtime, parents tell them they are safe and that monsters don't exist - except that's not true in this story. When bogeymen and other mythical creatures are lurking in closets and hiding under beds at night, young kids are saved by a K.I.D.S. Squad. The Squad is always close by, ready to defend the children.
The best part of the book is that the characters act silly and banter with each other like real kids, but they're serious about working together and doing the right thing in sometimes lousy circumstances. That's what happens when the bogeymen get stronger in the story and try to defeat the Squad. The characters have various mysteries and problems to solve that give them opportunities to show off how they face fear, confront challenges, and accept that surprises and change are a very real part of life. This book's a long one, 278 pages, but I promise there's not a single boring page!