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I Know When You're Going To Die review by nictaf | LitPick Book Reviews
I Know When You're Going To Die review by nic...
Age Range - 12 and up
Genre - Mystery
Five Star Award

LitPick Review

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Age at time of review - 17
Reviewer's Location - Phoenix, AZ, United States
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I Know When You're Going to Die follows Leonard Cantrell (Leo), who has a mysterious power that allows him to know exactly when a person is going to die by looking into their eyes. Leo drives a beat-up Prius and spends every weekend volunteering at homeless shelters. While working his usual shift, a homeless man requests to talk to Leo. The homeless man persuades Leo to look into his eyes and forces the magical power on Leo. Leo's friend J.C. thinks it's a really cool power, but Leo perceives it as more of a curse because he cannot stop seeing other people's deaths. One day at school, Leo accidentally looks into J.C.'s eyes and sees that he will die in just a couple of weeks. Now, Leo and J.C., with the help of the new girl, Laura, must desperately try to prevent J.C.'s impending death. After discovering evidence that hints at the possible killer, the gang plans a trap to stop the potential perpetrator on the night of J.C.'s imminent death. Unfortunately, the trap fails and the situation takes a turn for the worse. What will happen? Will this trio be able to save J.C. in time? Find out in this amazing book!


Michael J. Bowler's sci-fi-esque thriller not only entertains, but it also teaches a lesson at the same time. It portrays racism in school while also demonstrating that being rich doesn't always mean you can have everything you want. Even though Leo's ability to predict death is fictional, the entire book just feels real in a way many books don't. You learn that not everyone is who they seem to be on the surface and that you shouldn't immediately judge people based on their outward cover. The book flows seamlessly from one chapter to the next and leaves you feeling as if you were right alongside Leo and his friends. I recommend this book for ages 10 and up.

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Content Rating:

Content rating - some mature content

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There is death, and some content portrays violence.




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