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Here Where the Sunbeams Are Green review by TaurielOfMirkwood | LitPick Book Reviews
Here Where the Sunbeams Are Green review by Taurie...
Here Where the Sunbeams Are Green
by Helen Phillips
Age Range - 8 - 12
Genre - Adventure
Five Star Award

LitPick Review

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Age at time of review - 14
Reviewer's Location - St. Michael, MN, United States
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In "Here Where the Sunbeams Are Green," Mad (Madeline), her sister, Roo (Ruby), her mom, and her dad's new 'friend' Kenneth Candy, go to La Lava, a spa. They go there because of The Very Strange and Incredibly Creepy letter, a letter in which Mad and Roo's dad sent them. Their dad is an ornithologist, and is at La Lava, tracking down bird species. But when Mad, Roo, their mom, and Kenneth get to La Lava and see their dad, he is acting very strange. Throughout a series of adventures, Mad and Roo become friends with a boy named Kyle. With Kyle and his grandparent's help, Mad and Roo find out terrible things about La Lava...


This book was awesome! I loved it! It had mystery, adventure, and a little romance. It also had some Spanish, and I thought that was pretty cool. The author did a great job describing the scenes, and I could see them in my mind. Overall, this is a great book!

Sunbeams  Litpick Book Reviews

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Content rating - some mature content

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There were some bad words. There was also a kiss in it.

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