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Get Hired: For College Students review by amandaspk17 | LitPick Book Reviews
Get Hired: For College Students review by amandasp...
Age Range - Adult
Genre - Educational
Five Star Award

LitPick Review

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Age at time of review - 20
Reviewer's Location - Brule, NE, United States
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In Get Hired: For College Students, J.J. Scardino first gives background into WHY such a book is necessary to assist college students ready for the career market.

This quick and easy-to-read book has everything a college student needs to know on how to land a job once they have graduated -- in 10 clearly labeled chapters!

Chapters one and two focus on the ins and outs of the hiring process (namely how to avoid getting dumped out of the process before you even start) with a brief interlude on the six candidate powers that are described throughout the remaining chapters. Chapter three is all about "making your plan" with a list of questions that every student - prior to their senior year, of course - should have answered before they start the actual job search. Interestingly enough, they include the generation of the person you will be working for, which is something not often taken into consideration! Obviously, a large part of getting hired is having the right resume, but Scardino does more than just explain how to format one in chapter four. She provides tips on how to make certain your resume gets "picked" by both a computer-generated reviewer and a human one.

Chapters five through eight touch on the following topics: the importance of (and best practices with) internships, how to brand yourself as more than just an "I graduated with a degree" college student, how to network in circles that you wish to get connected with, and how to work with social media to your best advantage. Scardino dives into the popular hot button of social media usage within these chapters with lists of dos and don'ts that would seem obvious but are not. This includes how to make your LinkedIn account pop (and who thought your profile picture was as important as your resume?). Also important are the connections made outside of social media. Yes, today's college-level society has grown up with a vast array of technology, but obviously most jobs take place in a work environment where you must socialize face-to-face. 

Finally, in chapters nine and ten, J.J. Scardino takes you through the final stages of getting that job: the interview, the offer, and the beyond. Just getting the interview is not enough to land that job — it's important to know how the little things make you stick out in any interviewer's mind. Once you have landed the job you have always dreamed of, Scardino suggests pausing and considering all your options: don't simply say "yes" to the first one they give you.


J.J. Scardino’s Get Hired: For College Students is a MUST READ for anyone from a graduating high school senior to a graduating college senior (who should have picked it up earlier) to high school and college advisors. There is so much information packed into 109 pages! As a graduate student in college, I wish I had had this to read when I was starting college. It gives such a clear path to follow and offers so much sage advice that is simple, easy to incorporate, and completely practical. I would highly suggest this as a gift for any graduating high school senior OR to freshmen/sophomore level college advisors to use with students who are starting to navigate the real world.

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