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From a Distant Star review by AmandaReads | LitPick Book Reviews
From a Distant Star review by AmandaReads
From a Distant Star
Age Range - 12 and up
Genre - Fiction
Five Star Award

LitPick Review

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Age at time of review - 15
Reviewer's Location - Fairview, PA, United States
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Lucas Walker is a popular star football player. His girlfriend, Emma, and he love each other despite Lucas' parents' disapproval and the sudden news that Lucas has cancer and will most likely die.  Being an extremely strong willed and caring person, Emma never loses hope, even when doctors say her boyfriend has only days to live. Emma sits by his bedside willing him back. One evening, Emma and Mrs. Walker, Lucas' mother, hear a mysterious crash outside. The very next day, Lucas wakes up and  miraculously makes a full recovery from his cancer. However, Emma and Lucas's little brother, Eric, soon discover that Lucas isn't quite the same. Their suspicions that something more is going on intensify when federal agents show up to the Walker home asking to look around. Emma and Eric discover that something out-of-this-world is involved, and they race against the impending federal agents to save Lucas.


From a Distant Star is a heart-racing story of love, sacrifice, and friendship and the lengths people will go to both protect, and return to, those they care about. I loved reading every minute of it. This book shows the strength of love, even across the dark expanse of space. I give this book a 5/5 and recommend it for young people ages 12-17. From a Distant Star is a truly heart-warming book that not only shows the beauty of friendship, but demonstrates an all-out hope for mankind. A shining beacon of positivity in today's society, From A Distant Star is a great read.  
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