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Different review by farmgirl5100 | LitPick Book Reviews
Different review by farmgirl5100
Age Range - 8 - 12
Genre - Juvenile Fiction
Five Star Award

LitPick Review

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Age at time of review - 14
Reviewer's Location - Maurice, IA, United States
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Different is an enlightening story about Izzy Palmer, a girl most people assume is just angry or weird but really has Tourette syndrome. Her behavior consists of disguised tics and sometimes undisguisable tics. Izzy's life seems to be going well until a new girl moves to town and starts hanging out with Izzy's best friend, Addison. Next, her crush is acting suspisciously. On top of it all, the eighth-grade dance is coming up and Izzy wants to look perfect. Her solution is to stop taking her meds. Will the desicion to stop taking her meds hurt her, or will she finally seem more normal? Will the new girl destroy Izzy and Addison's best-friend bond, or will she join them in a friendship trio? Is Izzy's crush's behavior as suspiscious as it seem, or is he just a little like her?


Different is an eye-opening story. It deals with the fact that many people have quirks that make them stand out. It also shows the power of assumption. One small inference can cause great confusion. The simplicity of the story line and character bring out deeper meanings: "Disabilities don't define us" and "What makes us stand out can make us special" are among other messages that are prominent throughout this touching story. Different is an easy read but one that makes me think about a lot of new topics. I would definitely recommend it to a friend.

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