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Bridge Through Time review by 1231713 | LitPick Book Reviews
Bridge Through Time review by 1231713
Bridge Through Time
Age Range - 12 and up
Genre - Science Fiction
Five Star Award

LitPick Review

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Age at time of review - 15
Reviewer's Location - Harrisburg, PA, United States
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Max appears to be the main character, but he is simply a lead in character. It is his son, Kyle, who becomes the main protagonist for  the story. Kyle starts off as a youngster then the reader follows him as he grows up to be a great scientist. The antagonists are seemingly peaceful, with the author leading you slowly to the truth as he exposes the world to his reader. Kyle knows something is wrong his entire life, and then spends his life finding out what it is by constantly looking to the past for clues. When he finally realizes what is going on in his world, he's in for challenges to fix his time line. Even though doing so could mean the end for him. Science and fantasy are mixed equally as the author entices you, the reader, into a world of paradoxes.


Absolutely loved it!  The author drew me into the story from page 1.  It was like going on a roller coaster ride. The time jumps were clear--stated clearly and with dates provided. Total page turner--I have never read a book so fast in my life!  The twists and turns make you say: "Wow. I should have seen that coming... because it makes total sense." It is as if everything we do, every choice we make has a direct effect on the paths that our lives and our reality takes! Many sci-fi books are so unrealistic, but not this one. Bridge Through Time seems totally plausible, totally realistic, and totally a time in our future. This book is a page turner!  A book that, like a roller coaster, buckles you in for the ride--and as the reader, you are happy to enjoy the thrills!

Content Rating:

Content rating - nothing offensive

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I think that the book truly follows the storyline about the time travel, and relationships, while they are part of it, aren't the main components, so there is no offensive languages or sexual content that would be inappropriate.




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