LitPick Review

The Beast of Seabourne is the follow-up story of Oz Chambers and his best friends Ellie Messenger and Rufus Adams (Ruff). Oz is starting to make sense of the obsidian pebble, and even uses it to help him at school. When the pieces of the puzzle start to fall into place, this story gets another twist. The school bully gets injured at a soccer tournament and Oz is the prime suspect. Oz is being framed. Oz is sure Gerber (his enemy) is to blame, but without proof, Oz cannot blame him. Can Oz prove he didn’t hurt Jenks? Can Oz get his name cleared while searching for more artifacts and dealing with the Beast of Seabourne? Find out in this thrilling book.
The Beast of Seabourne was an amazing read, just as exciting as the first book. One of the reasons this was such an amazing read was because the author’s descriptions were so clear. For example, the author, Rhys A. Jones, wrote “Oz felt his scalp contract at remembering when he’d last been in this room...” The characters felt both well written and believable, and the characters were realistic. I would recommend reading book one first, but unlike some stories, if you haven’t read book one, you would have a smaller chance of being lost. This book is for all ages, so enjoy the story.