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Automaton Nation review by amandaspk17 | LitPick Book Reviews
Automaton Nation review by amandaspk17
Age Range - 12 and up
Genre - Science Fiction

LitPick Review

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Age at time of review - 21
Reviewer's Location - Brule, NE, United States
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Human? Robot? Or a mixture of both? Dat is unsure of his place in this new world, not new to others, just to him. Because he’s a new prototype Model 500 with DNA from a human who gave his brain for the project when he died. As Dat and other Model 500s are introduced to the world, his sensors are overloaded with the information he was “birthed with” and the information surging around him. He knows he wants to be a world class chef, but what about the beautiful girl at the front of the room who’s making his sensors go haywire?


Val is unsure of the world she is growing up in. She is told that robots are servants and secondary citizens in the world of humans; but what about the ones with human DNA and thoughts? As she battles herself over these questions, she falls in love with the robot who saved her the night the Robot Rebellion spilled into her life. Now Val and Dat must work together to overcome assumptions and hatred about their relationship; all while fighting off the Robot Rebellion and what it means for robot and humankind alike.


Is Dat secretly involved with the Robot Rebellion? Is Val heading down a path she can’t get off? And in the end, which race is truly right - humans or robots?


Automation Nation instantly had me thinking of Isaac Asimov’s robot series! The world created here reminds me of his world and the “rules for robots” - which I just love. It is easy to get sucked into this world and to see how it could all come to be in the not-so-distant future! The action and suspense of discovering who was leading the Robot Rebellion and what Val’s decision would be regarding her feelings for Dat were perfectly paced and made for an enjoyable read. I also enjoyed that the book doesn’t just end with the end of the war, but gives a continuation to the story and closes out with an epilogue that leaves you feeling satisfied with the conclusion. You aren’t left wondering if “this” or “that” will be solved, yet it is not a rushed or forced ending.


I think readers ages 12 to 18 with an interest in science fiction or dystopian fiction would find this novel entertaining. And even with the romance, I think boys would overall enjoy the storyline.


Content Rating:

Content rating - nothing offensive



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