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The Chance You Won't Return review by Peace8747 | LitPick Book Reviews
The Chance You Won't Return review by Peace87...
The Chance You Won't Return
by Annie Cardi
Age Range - Mature Young Adult
Genre - Fiction

LitPick Review

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Age at time of review - 12
Reviewer's Location - Camp Douglas, WI, United States
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The book that I am reviewing is The Chance You Won’t Return by Annie Cardi. It was a very good book with a lot of vivid details in which I liked! The age level is most likely ages 11-14. There is very few swear words and a couple sexual scenes.

            In this book the main character whose name is Alex is failing driver ed class. When her teacher asks to have a conference they all agree that it would be a good idea. On the day of the conference Alex’s mom starts acting a little different and starts to dress in her dad’s clothes. During the conference Alex’s mom freaks out and starts becoming delusional.

            During the next few months Alex’s mom thinks she is Amelia Earhart navigating the airways. She is planning the trip that Amelia never comes back from. Alex then starts to get driving lessons from a guy names Jim. They become really good friends. Meanwhile Alex’s mom is getting worse and the entire family is worried.

            If you want to find out what happened to Alex’s mom and if Alex and Jim’s friendship goes anywhere read The Chance You Won’t Return by Annie Cardi.


I thought that The Chance You Won't Return was a really good book! There was a few swear words.

Content Rating:

Content rating - some mature content

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There was a couple swear words.

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