LitPick Review

In "Apollo's Outcasts" Jamey Barlowe and his sisters are woken up in the middle of the night by their father. Jamey has no idea what is going on but he soon finds out. His father, along with several other government workers, is a wanted "criminal" and has to avoid being captured.To keep Jamey, safe his father ships him off to the moon where Jamey, after being in a wheelchair all his life, learns to walk and takes part in a dangerous group called the Rangers. When he first joins, there is no real danger, but then the government starts bombing the moon, and Jamey is forced to learn how to fight off missile attacks and protect himself from the invaders sent from earth. In the end Jamey and his friends are able fight off the attackers and win back their parents' freedom, but Jamey soon realizes that he doesn't want return to earth, and he stays on the moon while his family heads home.
I think that this was a very good book, the plot was well thought-out and the conclusions tied up my questions. There were some areas that I think should have been spoken about more, one of these areas is when Jamey was able to walk for the first time. This area is discussed very briefly and even though it does say that Jamey had trouble learning how to walk, there is hardly any discussion on the matter until later in the book. But, the plot was amazing and I loved how there was lots of adventure and competition. At the end of the book Jamey also loses a friend. Even though this was the lowest point of the book, I think that it was a very good twist to what would have otherwise been an unreallistic "picture perfect" ending.