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Confessions of an Almost Girlfriend review by kfc1997 | LitPick Book Reviews
Confessions of an Almost Girlfriend review by kfc1...
Confessions of an Almost-Girlfriend
by Louise Rozett
Age Range - 12 and up
Genre - Fiction

LitPick Review

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Age at time of review - 17
Reviewer's Location - Fresno, California, United States
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Rose Zarelli returns, and after her freshmen year disaster, she feels like she needs to reinvent herself. So because she is now a mature sophomore, Rose has a created a mental to-do list for the year (otherwise known as Rose Zarelli 2.0). One, she will do what she wishes because she wants to do it. Two, she won’t “randomly shoot off her mouth”. Three, she’ll stop worrying and caring about stupid Jamie Forta. She is through with trying to hide herself, just like she is through waiting to be a certain somebody’s girlfriend. But as much as she wants to pull off the new and improved Rose and make it through the year, she knows she most likely won’t. Will Rose be able to be herself and get over her past, or will she fall again and fall hard?



Louise Rozett’s Confession series continues with her Confessions of an Almost Girlfriend. The second was even better than the first as Rozett delves deeper into the thoughts and feelings of a teenage girl. Rose steps out of the book and becomes a peer, a guide, and a friend, as you get further and further through the story. Although I felt some details were over-exaggerated, the plot and the writing were flawless. I haven’t experienced anything close to what Rose’s life and love was like, but Rozett definitely makes me wish I could. I would recommend this book to girls in 9th grade or older. I hope to see a third book come to stores soon! 

Content Rating:

Content rating - some mature content

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She is a sophomore in high school and there are references to parties, drugs, alcohol, and sex. Probably not for middle schoolers but okay for high schoolers.




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