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My Ex From Hell (The Blooming Goddess Trilogy Book One) review by RavenWing | LitPick Book Reviews
My Ex From Hell (The Blooming Goddess Trilogy Book...
My Ex From Hell (The Blooming Goddess Trilogy Book One) (Volume 1)
by Tellulah Darling
Age Range - 12 and up
Genre - Fantasy

LitPick Review

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Age at time of review - 15
Reviewer's Location - Lancaster, NY, United States
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Sixteen-year-old Sophie Bloom thinks she’s got a great plan to ruin her arch enemy's date at the Halloween dance. And it goes perfectly well, that’s the problem. She goes to meet this mystery guy in place of her nemesis and he turns out to be Kai, son of Hades. If that wasn’t bad enough, he wakes her inner goddess, literally. Without any of her old memories, can she figure out who killed her god-self while staying alive in this new world of hers?


My first piece of advice would be - read a few pages first. This author has a particular writing style which may be difficult for some readers. There’s a ton of detail and lots of analogies. If you aren’t an experienced reader, or don’t read a lot, this might not be the easiest read for you.

When I read the summary for this book I thought “Yeah, some Greek mythology laced with romance!” That is not what this book is. Basically, it is a comedy with a dash of Greek background. The stories mentioned are not the main part, but it does deal with Zeus and Hades. Also, most of the time is spent with Sophie doing stupid stuff to get herself almost killed.

Despite what I’ve said, I did enjoy this book. It was a laugh-out-loud comedy that had an easy story line. The author cracks jokes often in a way that’s reasonable. As a comedy, I would recommend this book. Whatever you do, though, DO NOT pick up this book for the romance. It sounds good, but it is not. After a few passionate kisses that are more about Kai’s missing Persephone, Sophie’s god form, he won’t even give her the time of day. Not to mention he’s an ass that does not get better with time.

Lastly, just to warn you, the ending is horrible. I, personally, will not be reading the sequel because everything I was hoping would happen was brutally mutilated. The ending did not leave me laughing, crying, or open-mouthed. It was an “ok?” ending where you ask yourself “did the last chapter just get cut off? Because this doesn’t sound like the end.”

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