LitPick Review

Enigma tracer follows an undercover detective mission of Gracie and Bailey, best friends who originally meet while studying for their graduate degrees. When their target, Phillip Pliant, schedules a trip on a Caribbean cruise, a plan is developed to gather evidence to support his arrest. Pliant’s goal is to illegally dump recycling among the islands under the guise of bringing money and jobs to various Caribbean islands. He is described as a “eco gangster” who has influence among many local officials. The women are assisted by their boyfriends, Jeff and Keith, but everyone is in danger on this mission. Pliant is a powerful man with connections, but can they find a way to learn about his dealings before it’s too late?
The background of Gracie and Bailey’s relationship, dating back to graduate school, laid the groundwork for their close relationship. The beginning of the book shows the preparation and final presentation given prior to graduation. The girls are sad to leave each other, but look forward to the future. Although years have gone by, Bailey reaches out to Gracie believing she would be most helpful on her mission to follow Pliant. Gracie, who also works for World Bank, creates the perfect excuse to get them invited to the exclusive dinner parties of Pliant. Obsessed with money, he hopes to gain her favor to ask for a loan from her bank.
Both women are accompanied on the trip by their boyfriends, Jeff and Keith, who bring their own special skill sets to the mission. Jeff, a former lawyer, and Keith, former military, add more personality to the mission. Sneaking around to be with their girlfriends without bringing attention to themselves adds a humorous element to the mission. The women stay in one room, while the men stay in the adjacent room, with access to the other room through a gate on the balcony.
This story was a fast-paced and thrilling read. The beginning of the book I felt was a bit slow with the trip to Amsterdam for a global conference. However, this background was tied back in to meeting Pliant on the boat, and I was thankful to have this connection established prior. There were many unexpected twists, like human trafficking, which ultimately are tied back with characters presented earlier in the book. The attention to the connections between on the characters was well done.
I recommend this book to anyone looking for a mystery or thriller. It is a fast read, full of action, keeps you guessing what will happen next.