LitPick Review

Crime Unraveled by Chuck Morgan is the 13th in a series about Buck Taylor, an agent with the Colorado Bureau of Investigation (CBI). Even though it's in a lengthy series of crime novels, each novel is a stand-alone story with plenty of character description and background to give the reader an immersive experience. This is a wonderfully descriptive and detailed crime novel! The background information on characters is always relevant to the present situation. The details on the character relationships and investigative procedures seems well-researched and pertinent to the ongoing and unfolding drama. The reader is pulled into the action nearly immediately, and then the author reveals the antagonists who committed the crime as well as a slight peek into why they committed the crime. I was skeptical about this reveal at first probably because I prefer a crime story forces the reader to solve things as the story goes along, including several twists along the way. However, I was pleasantly satisfied that this revelation did not at all spoil the story. Buck Taylor is a fantastic and multi-layered character and he is surrounded by other characters with depth and realistic qualities. Again, it's an immersive and realistic story that shows how far greed can take some people and how much we need good guys and good women who are incorruptible by greed and will uphold the law.
Crime Unraveled by Chuck Morgan is an interesting and straight-forward story about bad people doing bad things for bad and selfish reasons who get caught through hard-working and precise detective work by Buck Taylor and his team. Buck Taylor is a great well-rounded character. He is realistic and heroic. I think my favorite parts of the book were the descriptions of the investigative process and the many other characters that were introduced and became part of the investigation. This book is so well-researched! It also shows that solving crimes is never done by one lone ranger or superhero, but crimes are solved by teams of experienced law officers, forensic specialists, and other experts in ballistics, geography, landscapes, and street smarts. It was also refreshing for me to read a story where the bad guys are straight up bad and the good guys are in equal measure straight up good.