LitPick Review

Passion Struck by John R. Miles is a motivational book about igniting the passion within you toward the goals you desire to accomplish. Everyone has a goal or something they would like to accomplish. While some people are scared to give it a try, others don't even think of trying. In his book, the author states that “some people are satisfied with the ordinary” instead of pursuing something they are so passionate about and that kind of mindset might lead to regret when they would wish they had given their goal an attempt. Every so often, we read about billionaires wondering how they made it to that level and even when we want to try, we might just give up after some period of time. Their success happened because they possessed something that we don't, which is passion. You might ask: “How can I cultivate passion?” or better still, “How can I direct my passion to fulfill my goals?” Well, the answer to those questions lies within the pages of this book.
Passion Struck is a book that focuses on one quality most people fail to focus on. It explains why they lack passion as the author explores their mindset. In his book, the author shares his experience and how he felt working for others as not toward what he wanted. In the end, he realized that it was all about passion and decided to implement that in his life, which led to his success. His experience felt relatable in the sense that he once lived a life he thought was perfect, but as time passed by, he felt something was amiss. The same thing happens to many people today. They think they are leading the most successful life, but deep down, they know it is not what they really want. Apart from his experience, he shared the experiences and quotes of successful business owners and public figures. Some are very famous and others are not well-known, but what really mattered was the undying passion they demonstrated to achieve their dreams. Reading the quotes from those famous people like Oprah Winfrey, Neil Armstrong, and the rest instilled in me the confidence to face my fears and begin a satisfying life.
In the eighteen chapters of the book, it is sectioned into three parts: The first part, which is from chapter one to seven, corrects our fixed mindset which hinders us from approaching and accomplishing our goals. The second part, from chapter eight to fourteen, explains the behaviors we need to possess to make us passionate. The third and last part, which is from chapter fifteen to eighteen, is where we dive into a journey where we are taught how to become passion struck. The way the chapters were sectioned made it easier for me to read, and it is best for readers who might feel that the 360 pages of the book would be too much for them to finish. Furthermore, each part was explained thoroughly, making me grasp what was being talking about without lagging. While passing through these stages, we are assisted with illustrative diagrams, economical statistics, and tables that bring out some points and explain it in a modernized way. One great lesson I learned was to pursue my goal with earnest passion. I have also learned that there are certain behaviors and transformations we must undergo to achieve what we want. Lastly, for us to experience change, we need to face our fears and conquer them because only then can we begin our journey. Passion Struck provides no solution to becoming successful, but it explains how implementing passion in our life can put us on the road to success without future regrets.