LitPick Review

The Do More Club, written by Dana Kramaroff, follows the tale of a modern grade school boy named Josh, who is part of a Jewish family. One day, his school is tagged with graffiti that displays antisemitic intentions toward the Jewish community, sparking Josh’s exploration into prejudices surrounding different cultures and identities. As the only Jewish kid in his school, Josh feels isolated and attacked by the malicious event, but he also notices that kids like Nat, a girl who’s picked on for being overweight, and Marcus, the only black kid in the school, face similar challenges because of their appearances. Emboldened to act, Josh forms the Do More Club, a school club dedicated to embracing diversity and spreading kindness. However, discrimination still lingers in the hearts of the local bullies. Will the Do More Club be able to make an impact on their community and turn the town’s views toward acceptance and peace?
Dana Kramaroff narrates her story through Josh’s point of view, allowing the reader to receive intimate insight into his every thought and motivation. She dives further into Josh’s mindset by writing the entire book as if it is Josh divulging his thoughts into a journal. The text is written and spaced in prose. It lacks the punctuation of usual sentence structures, but it does not need it due to how the fragments of the sentences are placed. The book can be read easily, and it is a refreshing take on the style in which books are normally written. Other than in the chapter titles, there are no capital letters at the start of sentences or names. This is a wise choice for the way Kramaroff has chosen to write the book because it makes the reader feel as small as Josh’s initial ability to bring about change. The fragmented sentences and journalistic syntax also make the reader empathize more with Josh, capturing a sense of his youth. Modern lingo and references are used, allowing current grade school level children to follow along with ease. There are themes of antisemitism and mild violence that parents should be made aware of before letting their children read. Overall, The Do More Club is a dramatic and heartwarming tale of the wish to bring about peace and understanding for humanity, and while its style is surprising to readers, it cleverly delivers on its ability to relate to a younger audience.