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An Arrow to the Moon review by klevatino | LitPick Book Reviews
An Arrow to the Moon review by klevatino
Age Range - 12 and up
Genre - Fiction

LitPick Review

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Age at time of review - 30
Reviewer's Location - Oceanside, NY, United States
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Luna Chang is the main character and only the best is expected of her from her parents. She doesn't like the fact that she can't really decide on her own future but must follow what her parents want of her. Enter Hunter Yee, the new student in school who has disappointed his own family tremendously. However, the two families collide and do not get along. Luna and Hunter decide to defy this and end up falling for each other. It's almost a modern Asian mythological Romeo & Juliet. The arrow to the moon refers to Hunter being great with a bow and arrow and apparently nothing else. With the families colliding and not much time left before graduation, Luna and Hunter must find a way to be together at all costs. 


I must first admit that this is not my traditional type of read, but I was happy to branch out and read something out of my comfort zone. However, it was a tough book to get through for me as I didn't find it very interesting. I didn't particularly care for the characters and didn't find them too endearing. This is partly what made it tough to get through. The parents were especially distasteful and made it very bothersome to me. However, I did like the idea of a sort of modern retelling of Romeo & Juliet. I think it's a great way to introduce that type of story to younger readers in an attempt to keep them interested. One other thing about this book is that the ending was rather emotional which did make up for some of the more boring parts of the entire book because it was an especially long read. All in all, I would recommend this to young adults who are interested in sort of magical realism and maybe can connect to the characters being told what to do by their parents. 

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