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Shifter (The Healer Chronicles 2) review by tiaroohi | LitPick Book Reviews
Shifter (The Healer Chronicles 2) review by tiaroo...
Age Range - 12 and up
Genre - Horror
Five Star Award

LitPick Review

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Age at time of review - 14
Reviewer's Location - Gurgaon, Harayana, India
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Having supernatural powers, Alex and Andy are capable of healing and shifting illness from one person to another. Combined, the boys hold tremendous power. Together, they can control life and death. As they get to know each other, the brothers start to test their abilities together. However, as secret organizations and military operations vie for control of their power, they must make difficult decisions that could save people... or kill them. Everything and everyone is questioned, from well-guarded fortresses to secret military laboratories in the desert. They are still reeling from the narrow escape from Mrs. G., their former teacher, who is actually a paranormal entity set on destroying mankind. Do Alex and his friends have what it takes to defeat the evil people and save the world? How can they proceed?



Young adult thriller Shifter (The Healer Chronicles 2) by Michael J . Bowler is filled with suspense and intrigue as well as round-the-clock action and powerful characters.

The author provides readers with a synopsis and explanation of the events of the first book so that they can understand this novel without reading the previous one.  First, we go back to Andy's frightful childhood which explains to the reader his character and his brother Alex.  A lot of everyday things we take for granted were highlighted by these extreme circumstances. Alex's disability of not being able to reach a shirt in a closet that wasn't made for wheelchair users is an example of this.

The young heroes meet after their first encounter with the supernatural world. These special children come back full force and grow into themselves through hard lessons, self-discovery, and their natural curiosity about the world.These kids have conquered things that most teenagers will never experience, things that have made them stronger and brought them together as a family.

Overall, Shifter is a page-turner filled with mysteries. I give this book 5 stars. Hope you enjoy the book as much as I did!

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Content Rating:

Content rating - some mature content

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Shifter contains graphic gore, violence directed toward young characters, and profanity throughout, so it is best suited to teens aged 16 and up.




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