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The Solomon Stone review by upst8reader | LitPick Book Reviews
The Solomon Stone review by upst8reader
Age Range - 8 - 12
Genre - Juvenile Fiction
Five Star Award

LitPick Review

Age at time of review - 11
Reviewer's Location - Corning, New York, United States
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Twelve year old Ruby Callahan, the main character in The Solomon Stone, by Christine Sandgren has been stranded on a Hawaiin island since her parents left her there after a party nine years ago. She is the only non-native person on the island but is also the best animal tracker because she can see “lines” that show her where things have been, and where they are going. For example, she can easily know when a cape buffalo will come to a certain spot on the island. Everything changes though, when her uncle and grandmother find her, and take her back to New York City. There she quickly learns that for generations, her whole family has been “sighted” which means they have a magical ability to see either into the past - Sapes, or into the future - Providents. Ruby starts going to a school for children from sighted families, even though everyone thinks that she isn’t sighted. There she meets Winston, who is hiding the fact that he is sighted so that people don’t try to take advantage of him. From Winston, Ruby learns that she is a type of sighted person called a Levant. In school, Ruby and Winston learn about the Solomon stone and it’s influence on world history. Ruby recognizes it as the diamond in her uncle's safe. When she touches it, her “lines” intensify, making her realize that it was her only chance to find her parents.  But when she tried to find it again, she found that it was replaced with a fake diamond. Will Ruby find the real Solomon stone again? Will she be able to find her parents? Will her secret that she is a Levant be revealed?



The Solomon Stone, by Christine Sandgren, is filled with exciting adventures. The story of twelve year old Ruby hooks the reader from the very first page. This book was a fun and fast read, but in my opinion there were a few too many characters to easily remember. Also, sometimes it was difficult to keep track of the magical powers of the different types of “sighted” people. I love the way the plot twists constantly keeping the reader thinking about what is happening and making predictions about what might happen next. I recommend this book for 8 - 13 year olds. Fans of Harry Potter and anyone who likes a magical mystery adventure will love this book.  

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