Question 1:
Where do you get your best writing done? Do you work better, say, in nature or in organized areas?
I think there’s an ideal version of how you wish you could spend your time writing. I find that I often bring my laptop with me to places - thinking I’ll be able to get a chunk of writing in, only to find time has passed me by. In reality my writing is best done anytime I can find the time. I do write better with some background noise, so when I have the luxury of "free time," a coffee shop is my ideal writing area.
Question 2:
Do you work better alone or when you can interact with others, like your writing friends?
I’m generally pretty social, but unless I’m co-writing something, which can be fun, it can be very difficult to write with anyone else in the room. I have had some great writing partnerships over the years, but I consistently write more frequently and with better results when working alone.
Question 3:
Do you have a favorite character you’ve created? How are you most like that character?
I’m hoping my best character is yet to come. I think some of the most interesting and fun characters to write are the villains. I also tend to give them the best lines. One of my favorite characters I've created is probably Mrs. Merryweather, played by Morgan Fairchild in the Wiener Dog National movies. The characters really mean, but also quite funny. In Danny Flash, my favorite character is probably Annabelle, the little sister. She was modeled after my daughter, and just has a heart of gold, and really tries to help her brother throughout the book, always sticking her nose in his business, but because she loves him.
Question 4:
When you create stories, do you prefer paper or digital? Or a combination of both?
I usually do my first draft digitally, and then my rewrites on paper. There is something comforting about a pen and paper, and that will always be part of my creative process. A pen is the first thing I reach for when I have a new idea, not my phone or laptop. '
Question 5:
What is most important to you? Writing or book promotion?
Can I cheat and say, writing when the book is in development, and promotion when it's done. Writing is of course the most important thing. I don't think anyone sets out to promote something that is poorly written. But or course, without promotion, who will see it, so I think you really do have to balance the two. Especially in today's world, where there is so much noise to cut through, both from the sheer volume of material at people's fingertips, and the many real world issues we're all facing today.
Question 6:
What do you like to do when you’re not writing?
Outside of writing books, I write for TV and Film, so I like to watch a lot of movies and TV shows and call it research. I also spend a lot of time with my family. I mean, everyone does right now with the quarantine, but I do a lot of activities with my kids on the weekends, and really try and enjoy my time with them, doing creative projects. I also love trying new food, whether its a restaurant or in our new reality, delivery.
Question 7:
Do you have any upcoming book projects you’d like to share here?
I am actually working on two new books right now, one fiction and one is non-fiction, which is why I can do them at the same time. I tend to always be working on several projects at once to see which one takes, so while I won't push a particular book yet, I hope that if your readers like my work, they will look at my upcoming films and books at And of course, Danny Flash and the Alien Crash just came out on Kindle, so if you would have answered question 4 digital, check it out.
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