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The Boy, the Bird & the Coffin Maker review by NatsustayHappy | LitPick Book Reviews
The Boy, the Bird & the Coffin Maker review by...
The Boy, the Bird & the Coffin Maker
Age Range - 8 - 12
Genre - Fantasy
Five Star Award

LitPick Review

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Age at time of review - 14
Reviewer's Location - Guys Mills, PA, United States
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Alberto is a lonely old man living in the town of Allora as the town’s only coffin maker. He is given the bodies of Allora’s dead so that he can build them their coffins and place them into their graves. One day, a bird Alberto has never seen before flutters into his home. This bird is soon followed by Tito – a lonely little boy whose existence was never known to Alberto. Alberto finds Tito to be great company, but no matter what, Alberto cannot get Tito to open up to him. Tito is scared and very cautious, but of what? Alberto is not sure. But he knows one thing – he will protect Tito and help him no matter what. 


The Boy, the Bird, and the Coffin Maker is one of the most beautiful books I’ve ever read. The cover is beautiful, and so are all of the illustrations and artwork throughout the book. Not only is the art beautiful, but so is the writing. The story has an element of simplicity to it, but it was enjoyable to read, and I didn’t find it boring in the slightest.

I suggest reading this book if you’re looking for a fun summer read. 

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There is a lot of death in this book, and it is discussed a lot since our main character is a coffin maker. There is a character being chased, and at the beginning of the book, there is a big sickness that wipes out most of Allora. Overall, I don’t think that any of these themes are very heavy, and I think this would probably be a fine book for any age.




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