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Lies in the Dust review by layana | LitPick Book Reviews
Lies in the Dust review by layana
Lies in the Dust: A Tale of Remorse from the Salem Witch Trials
Age Range - 12 and up
Genre - Historical Fiction

LitPick Review

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Age at time of review - 11
Reviewer's Location - Litchfield, CA, United States
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The book Lies in the Dust is a graphic novel about the Salem Witch Trials and a young woman named Ann Putnam. Ann Putnam gives us her insight on how the Salem Witch Trials came about and her participation in the multiple deaths of innocent people, with the aid of her sister, mother and father. Ann and her sister are being controlled by fear so they go along with her parent's plan to falsely accuse and hang the women and men of the town. By doing this, her parents believe they gain power over the little pitiful village but they only gain disrespect and fear.


 I was disappointed in this book especially with all the other great reviews it received. It seemed to focus more on the hanging and not enough on their personalities but it wasn't completely bad. My favorite part of the book was when Ann's family thought she was a good person even though she did all those bad things. Ann Putnam was my favorite character because she tried to keep a high spirit. While this book didn't live up to my expectations, anyone who likes ghosts and family moments may like to give it a try.

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Content rating - some mature content

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There is a lot of death.

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