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Ms. Rapscott's Girls review by kgirlskittles | LitPick Book Reviews
Ms. Rapscott's Girls review by kgirlskittles
Ms. Rapscott's Girls
by Elise Primavera
Age Range - 8 - 12
Genre - Adventure

LitPick Review

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Age at time of review - 13
Reviewer's Location - Litchfield, CA, United States
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Ms.Rapscott's Girls is a book written and illustrated by Elise Primavera. The book is about five little girls who are eight years old, with the busiest parents in the world. These little girls, scattered across the U.S., are shipped in boxes to Ms.Rapscott's School for Girls of Busy Parents.  While there, they learn things like how to find your way, what a birthday cake is, and how to approach a bumbershoot tree. They stay inside a lighthouse but when they go to their classroom with five little desks, there are only four students.

Dahlia's parents were so busy they forgot to shut the box securely, and Dahlia fell out as so often happens to girls of busy parents. The girls learn how to find their way, by searching for Dahlia Thistle.

They do things like; parachuting, trooping through dark forests, and riding across the ocean on the backs of seal-like creatures.


Ms.Rapscott's Girls has an interesting plot. The daughters of busy parents don't always learn what they need to know to survive. The goal of Ms.Rapscott is to teach these girls how to do things she believes are necessary for little girls to know. An honorable goal, but the way she went about it can't be the best route. 

Shipping kids in boxes: maybe try a train, or a car, or a plane. There are plenty of ways that are less traumatizing.

Parachuting: I have no problem with this, but maybe explain what they have to do before you strap them into a harness. There's got to be a better way than just "do it right the first time or you'll be smashed into the ground!"

Finding your way: I'm all for teaching kids to navigate. But the no maps rule needs to go. Also, you need more than crackers if you plan on taking eight-year-old girls into the middle of the woods overnight. Especially if they have a reputation for doing things wrong or not knowing anything.

Ms.Rapscott is very kind. but not the type of person I'd trust with a child. I mean she shipped them in boxes! When a child fell out, and they found a note from her several days later, instead of helping the child, she was judged on penmanship, spelling and grammar. This isn't English class!

My favorite part of this book was at the very end, when they introduced the School for Boys of Busy Parents. If I had a chance to change anything, I would have introduced the school for boys at the beginning of the story. I'd do this to create a possible romance between headmasters for my fellow fangirls and fanboys.
One tip for reading this book, don't take it too seriously. If you do it will drive you crazy.  The book was magical and meant to be taken lightly.

I'd recommend this book to anyone ages nine to fifteen, who are looking for a light read.

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Content rating - nothing offensive

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