LitPick Review

Married Mom, Solo Parent by Carla Anne Coroy does exactly what its sub-title states: it helps you to find God's strength to face the challenge of being a married mom while also being a solo parent. While completely aware of single and divorced moms parenting alone, I had never really thought of married moms also doing the parenting by themselves. According to Carla, a solo parent is someone who is raising children and running a home and family alone.Their husbands may be physically absent due to their jobs or serving in the military, or while being there in body, maybe emotionally absent or too busy with their own interests to participate in the child rearing duties.
Touching on topics such as anger at the absent spouse, loneliness, and disciplining the kids, in addition to many others, this book from Kregel Publications will encourage its reader and give solid advice on how to not only survive but be happy while shouldering much of the day-to-day responsibilities of child-rearing and household duties. A final chapter written by Ms. Coroy's husband giving his viewpoint is an interesting addition to a well-written book that is sure to help many women keep their sanity and their marriages intact. I highly recommend Married Mom, Solo Parent by Carla Anne Coroy!
This book review was a special request from Gary Cassel for an adult reviewer, Sherri Myers, and is being submitted under my daughter, CMy.
Reviewer Age:46