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If I Could Fly review by PAm_WMS | LitPick Book Reviews
If I Could Fly review by PAm_WMS
If I Could Fly: With Characters from "An Island Like You"
by Judith Ortiz Cofer
Age Range - 12 and up
Genre - Fiction

LitPick Review

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Age at time of review - 12
Reviewer's Location - Baltimore, MD, United States
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This book is about a fifteen year-old girl named Doris. Her parents are musicians who perform late at night at parties and club, so she is used to being home alone. However, when her mother leaves her and her father, her father finds a new girlfriend. An incident occurs when a violent classmate attacks her best friend. Doris is even more alone, so she seeks company with the pigeons on the roof of the apartment building she lives in. Doris finds what her full potential is and who she really is.


I personally thought the book was very slow paced and confusing at times. It had an interesting plot,but it was somewhat slow moving.The book would have been much better if it moved at a faster pace.Ms. Cofer had a lot of Spanish phrases and words in the book.It would have been helpful if she had put some sort of glossary or had defined them in the story because I could not understand those words.Overall though, it had interesting characters and an interesting plot.


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Content rating - nothing offensive

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