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Once Upon a Road Trip review by snehayamsani | LitPick Book Reviews
Once Upon a Road Trip review by snehayamsani
Once Upon a Road Trip
Age Range - Mature Young Adult
Genre - Chick Lit

LitPick Review

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Age at time of review - 17
Reviewer's Location - West Des Moines, IA, United States
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Angie just graduated high school and is all set to find out more about herself. She decides to go on a road trip across the country with her trusty steed, her yellow VW bug. Angie stays at her friend’s houses as she makes each stop on her journey. At every stop, Angie plans to stay for a couple of days, exploring the area and getting to know her friends better. Along the way, Angie finds her true love and what it means to be true to yourself.


I loved how Blount used her actual life experiences and journal entries and turned them into a novel. It’s inspiring to know that ideas are everywhere, you just have to know where to look. Every adventure in the book was exciting and very clear to follow. I especially loved the banter between the characters. I was laughing my head off half the time while I was reading.


You could also see Angie progress from the beginning to end as she learned more about herself. I admired this personal growth because I felt like Angie was me. I’ve always wanted to take an adventure and reading this novel just spurred me on. I even have a map marked with all the places I want to visit after I graduate!


I’d give this novel a 4.5 out of 5. It’s a great book, and I hope you all get a chance to read it.

Content Rating:

Content rating - some mature content

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There are a few offensive words, but nothing too awful. There is also one scene that may be scary when reading.

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