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Feral Curse review by S.Ehlers | LitPick Book Reviews
Feral Curse review by S.Ehlers
Feral Curse
Age Range - 12 and up
Genre - Fantasy

LitPick Review

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Age at time of review - 12
Reviewer's Location - Little Silver, NJ, United States
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Are you really only a human or are you more? Kayla, a thought-to-be-average girl, has a perfect life considering her father is the mayor of Pine Ridge, she is deeply in love with her boyfriend, and everyone adores her. The one problem in her life is that she is a shape-shifter. When Kayla decides to reveal her secret of being a were-cat to her boyfriend, Benjamin Bloom, she thinks Ben will be accepting, but instead he takes this news way too seriously, and attempts to put a spell on the old carousel in Pine Ridge in hopes of turning Kayla back into a normal human. Sadly, this only lead to his death. Ever since this fatal event, all of the carousel figures have been cursed, sold as antiques throughout Texas. Aimee, a human, and Yoshi, a were-cat have been helping Kayla reverse the curse and solve this giant problem. Will Kayla and her friends be able to reverse the spell?


Feral Curse was a mediocre book. I enjoyed Cynthia Leitich Smith’s overall idea, but the ending result was not as thrilling as I hoped. In my opinion, this book was dragging along as slowly as a kid avoiding to eat their vegetables at dinner. Overall, I would not recommend Feral Curse to anybody as great book, but others may have their own opinion.
Content Rating:

Content rating - some mature content

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There was some mature sexual content.



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