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Ruby Redfort Look Into My Eyes review by underwood_bcl | LitPick Book Reviews
Ruby Redfort Look Into My Eyes review by underwood...
Ruby Redfort Look Into My Eyes
by Lauren Child, Lauren Child
Age Range - 8 - 12
Genre - Adventure
Five Star Award

LitPick Review

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Age at time of review - 11
Reviewer's Location - Jackson, MO, United States
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Ruby Redfort is an expert at breaking codes.  At seven years old she won the Junior Code-Cracker Championships by cracking a code in only seventeen days.   When she entered the Junior Code-Creator Championship her code was sent to the university where it took professors two weeks to solve it.  This book takes place when Ruby is several years older.  She is even better at writing and cracking codes.  Consuela Cruz, the Redfort’s new dietary expert, has an argument with Mrs. Digby, the Redfort’s housekeeper.  Consuela runs off and is later kidnapped so no one knows that she is gone.  Then the Redfort’s house is burglarized. Everything is stolen except the phones.  Sabina Redfort (Ruby’s mom) decides to hire a house manager named Hitch.  From the start Ruby thinks Hitch is rather suspicious and decides to keep an eye on him.  Ruby soon learns that he is working with a secret spy agency called Spectrum.  Ruby gets to try to decipher a code for Spectrum after the death of their code breaker agent.  Ruby soon learns that someone is trying to steal a jade Buddah that is coming to her home town.   In the book, Rudy Redfort:  Look into My Eyes, by Laurne Child, Ruby does everything she can to make sure that the jade Buddah makes its way safely to the museum. 


I loved this book and can’t wait to read the next book.  The mystery had several little parts that made it into a big mystery.  I thought it was fun to try to solve the mysteries before Ruby but I never could get it quite right.  I liked that Ruby asked a lot of questions and I could tell that all her questions irritated the grownups a bit.  When Hitch made up a story to explain why he arrived earlier than expected I thought it was humorous.  I liked how the author made me feel like I was part of the book instead of just reading it. 

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Content rating - nothing offensive



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