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A Force of Will A Shakespearean Fantasy Adventure review by cshattan | LitPick Book Reviews
A Force of Will A Shakespearean Fantasy Adventure ...
A Force of Will A Shakespearean Fantasy Adventure: Book I The Initiation (Volume 1)
Age Range - 12 and up
Genre - Fantasy

LitPick Review

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Age at time of review - 14
Reviewer's Location - New Canaan, Connecticut, United States
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Back in the time when boomerangs and swords were considered state-of-the-art weapons there lived a boy attempting to become a man.  His name was Will, heir to the Nebulan throne.  In Nebula, it is tradition for all boys turning eighteen to complete a quest and prove themselves men.  But as soon as Will leaves the kingdom to slay a fierce beast, things begin to turn bad.  His father dies, and his uncle, the Duke, claims the throne.  Will stumbles upon the royal guard, who attempt to slay him.  The chaotic events continue, and Will gets captured by sky pirates.  Will he ever make it back to save the kingdom?



I did not like this book because the the characters speak in old English, but the author narrates the story in modern English, and the clash between the two made the flow of the book choppy.  I liked the storyline. It was interesting to follow the journey of a boy trying to prove himself, only to come home and find that his home has forever been changed.  This could’ve been better, if the writing style of the dialogue was consistent with that of the narrative.  I had trouble trying to get through the story and I skimmed most of it.  


I do not recommend this.

Content Rating:

Content rating - some mature content



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