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Who Banged the Big Bang! | LitPick Book Reviews
Who Banged the Big Bang!
Who Banged the Big Bang!

Scientists, physicists, mathematicians, theorists, and other thinkers have made significant contributions to advancements in medicine, technology, and philosophy. However, many of them grapple with even bigger questions: When and how did the universe begin? Why does it exist? What happened before the Big Bang? What is the purpose of human life? What occurs after death? 

While these inquiries may seem cliché, they remain central to our quest for understanding. This book will explore these fundamental questions on both a macrocosmic and microcosmic scale. Our aim is to present established facts and methodically approach the unknown, particularly the mysteries surrounding the Big Bang, Infinity, and Consciousness. If you have considered the connection between your intellectual pursuits and these essential questions, this book is for you.

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Book Details


  • Educational

Age Level: 

  • Mature Young Adult
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