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Resume Essentials 3rd Edition | LitPick Book Reviews
Resume Essentials 3rd Edition
Résumé Essentials: Do’s, Don’ts & It Depends: With Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) and LinkedIn Updates
Resume Essentials 3rd Edition
Résumés remain the primary device with which jobseekers grab the attention of hiring managers and land that all-important job interview. Yet, jobseekers continue to submit résumés filled with errors, errors that likely cause their résumés to get shredded. This book provides guidance to help jobseekers to avoid making common résumés mistakes and to create résumés and cover letters that get them noticed and offered interviews. This third edition also includes guidance on how to help your résumé get through Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) and tips for creating an effective LinkedIn page.

Book Details


  • Educational

Age Level: 

  • 12 and up

Resume Essentials 3rd Edition is really an essential handbook for every young graduate. The book provides a brief and concise guide within a small volume of 82 pages in total. It explains the do's and don'ts for preparing a resume and cover letter in the context of the United States. In this age of digitization, a lot of companies are using Applicant Tracking Software/Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) to sort out poor resumes, and this book can help a resume pass through this initial machine filtration stage and enter into the human filtration stage.

As a summary, this book is all you need to know about resumés. Author Neil O’Donnell writes this informative piece that explains how to create the perfect resumé all the way down to proper font, color, and design in segmented organization. He also delves into how to advertise your expertise in LinkedIn, for example, and how LinkedIn can help you reach out for employee-searching managers.

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