Warning to readers: do not read this book unless you are ready to revolutionize your life.
This book is dedicated to all women from all over the world who have struggled just because they were born female. My hope is that you will find the answers you are looking for, the healing you need, and the ability to receive the grit necessary to achieve whatever your heart desires in this life.
My hope is that you walk away from this book with something to think about. I seek to challenge you in a way you may not yet have been challenged before. I anticipate to both encourage you and empower you on your personal journey of living a totally badass bullshit free life that has more victory than loss, more hope than struggle, more money than poverty, more friends than loneliness, more education than ignorance, more security than chaos, more achievement than visits to your therapist, more healing than misery, more empathy than judgement, and more confidence than defeat.
Contributing to the voices of 30+ experts, psychologists, entrepreneurs, authors, and trailblazers, Girl Grit is an emotionally charged novel revealing the truth of experience growing up girl. An honest account concerning the problems of girlhood that entangle us into becoming shrunken versions of ourselves. By strategically unraveling these possibilities of our existence we can begin to understand their influence in our lives as adult women and through that understanding, we will heal and encourage other women.
Girl Grit will make you think and feel simultaneously. The book opens with a famous quote by Winston Churchill: “If you are going through hell keep going.” A melancholic state of mind that encapsulates the daily drudgery of emotional despair. There is still a stigma around rape, and no one even knows what emotional abuse is. Women are pressured into looking perfect which by itself is distracting them from revolutionizing the world as we know it. Compounded by the idea that we “must” have someone, a partner who likely doesn’t even act like a partner, just so we can live a life of being “everybody’s everything” and nothing to ourselves. And to make matters worse, we may end up single mothers doing it all alone, scared, and unsupported. We roll ourselves into the shrinking machine never to be made whole or healed. Girl Grit provides the answers that nobody asks but everyone wants.
The first part of the book called, “Part 1 – Growing up Girl, The Problems We Know But Don’t Understand” discusses different common problems women experience growing up girl. And the second part of the book begins in Chapter 8 “Part 2 – Get Your Grit On- The Solutions to the Problems we Know and Now Understand.” Dr. Elinsky offers her readers hope, inspiration, and solutions to cultivate their GIRL GRIT, overcome the bullshit, and ascend into her highest self while unleashing her full fiery potential onto the world to continue the revolution the feminists began at the start of the Feminine Mystique days.
At the end of each chapter, Dr. Elinsky summarizes the chapter’s key points and offers an opportunity for the reader to journal and share her story based on a probing question related to that chapter’s content.
Do not be afraid to fly, just because you don’t have wings. – Dr. E
See GIRL GRIT on Amazon
Book Details
- Nonfiction
Age Level:
- Adult